Private Beta2 is now available !

I’m pleased to announce that I have just released the beta2 of The Bloodian Chronicles.
After the very encouraging feedbacks obtained during the beta1 beta test phase which lasted 2 months, I’m glad to start the second beta test phase.
Almost all the bugs reported during the beta1 and the requested improvements have been treated (about 50 tickets treated).
The bug tracker detailing all solved tasks is here :
As a reminder, this beta is free, fully playable and contains the first 4 chapters of the game.
The final version of episode 1 of The Bloodian Chronicles will contain 12 chapters.
Episode 2 will contain another 12 chapters.
Main new features :
- Ulcom Var dialogues are more convenient, easier and smoother
(simple click, delete last icon, keyboard shortcuts (arrow, CTRL+arrow, space, enter, mouse wheel) - Path detection (the way Loon moves) is much more fluid (path finding)
- Various small corrections of typos and spelling mistakes
- A much better translated English version (thanks to Dot23 from Oxford for his help)
- Many other small improvements and fixed bugs
How to get the game ?
The beta2 is a private beta (like the beta1) but you can get it on demand by just registering here.You will then receive a key to download the game for free on
Public beta2 is now available for download !
Please take 5mn when you will have finished playing to rate the different aspects of the game.
Your feedback is very important !
You found a bug ?
You found a bug or want to suggest an improvement ?
Create an issue in the bug tracker of the project, you will be informed of the progress of the issue :
I try to process 100% of the issues🙂
Give your feedback !
A new Google Forms has been set up to collect your feedback on the Beta2:
You will be able to give a score to each aspect of the game (it takes 3mn).
The ideal is to have finished the 4 chapters to get an overall idea of the game but it is not an obligation 🙂
If you are stuck in the game, contact me (use the contact form at the end of the home page) and I will send you the solution to help you.
I hope that this 2nd phase of beta test will go as well as the 1st one and that this beta2 will fulfill your expectations.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any question !